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Awg Tengah: State govt helps farmers by taking up unsold durians, other produce

LAWAS (Oct 6): The state government responded to the economic hardship faced by the people by mopping up unsold durians and other agriculture produce from farmers during the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.

Producers in Lawas and Limbang fruit belt have been stumped by the travel restrictions by the authorities and Brunei closing her border as Covid-19 preventive steps, effectively cutting of the lucrative market in the sultanate since 2020.

“We are grateful that Sarawak Farmers Organisation under the Sarawak Ministry of Agriculture stepped in to buy up the seasonal fruits and other agricultural products that could not be marketed,” he said.

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State Farmers’ Organisation Sarawak | PPNS
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