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Citizen science helps rice farmers to move forward

KOTA KINABALU: A food security project that saw communities from two villages in Sabah yielding 28 tonnes of rice from 32 varieties is set to scale up, with learning from collective work by farmers, civil society and government paving the way for improvement in project management and problem solving.

Programs with Kg Lapasan Ulu and Kg Tinuhan in Tuaran are being expanded to include nearby Kg Wangkod and Kg Timbou to increase participation in Projek Padi to 121 farming families with 194 acres seeking to regain their food sovereignty and improve livelihoods.

Facilitated by Forever Sabah (FS) with a Yayasan Hasanah Special Grant supported by the Prihatin Economic Stimulus Package, Projek Padi revitalized paddy land, improving livelihoods while exploring new farming methods.


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State Farmers’ Organisation Sarawak | PPNS
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