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State Farmers’ Organisation, Sarawak (SFO) is responsible for the member farmers’ socio-economic status. Based on the different background of member farmers, it is important to ensure the accessibility of agriculture inputs as one of the key factors in enabling economic development.

SFO is providing agri-business services including supply of agricultural inputs, farm mechanisation services,  transportation services,  supply and installation of modern farming facilities.

Agriculture remains an important part of Sarawak economy for the increasingly burgeoning populace with the challenge to provide both food security and safety, sustainable development and wealth creation.

SFO has been tasked to assist farmers with marketing their products locally and abroad. Several efforts have been taken to achieve the expected outcomes, which including establishment of marketing platform, wholesale market and collection, processing and packaging centre (CPPC).

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We offer estate maintenance work (ie. pruning and weeding) for palm oil and rubber plantation. Our workers and operators are equipped with necessary knowledge and skill to perform the estate maintenance works to an optimum standard.

Register as Member

Terms and Conditions of Area Farmers’ Organisation Membership (PPK)

  • Age 18 year and above
  • Malaysian Citizen
  • A resident in the PPK managed area
  • Participate in farm production/livestock farming or
  • Gain income from farming/livestock farming activities or
  • Control of any farming and livestock farming factors

1. Apply Form

Download Form

  • Approach PPK in your area
  • Get a membership application form
  • Fill up form
  • Submit form to PPK
  • Each application has to enclose joining fee and trust fee as specified in the PPK Consituition.
  • Application will be considered for approval by PPK Board of Directors.
  • Certificate or membership card will be issued.
  • Member can enjoy his rights as a member.
  • If an application is rejected, appeal can be made to the Registrar within 14days. Registrar will consider whether to accept or decline the application.
  • If appeal is declined, all payment will be returned.

2. Online Services

State Farmers’ Organisation Sarawak | PPNS
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