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Sarawak only state to subsidise financing facilities for SMEs

KUCHING (Aug 13): Sarawak is the only state in the country that provides interest subsidy for the three financing facilities under Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to assist local small, medium enterprises (SMEs), said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.

He said the total budget for the interest subsidy for Special Relief Facility (SRF), Targeted Relief and Recovery Facility (TRRF), and Penjana Tourism Financing (PTF) is RM80.7 million and that the state government is providing the interest subsidies for 3 1/2 years.

“SRF is to alleviate the short-term cash flow problems faced by SMEs in all economic sectors except the services sector, who are adversely affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.

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State Farmers’ Organisation Sarawak | PPNS
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